Wow, I can't believe it's been nearly six months since I posted. Shame on me. We are nearly settled into the new house. Of course there is still much to do, but I think that is how it is with homes. I've been busy painting, cleaning and working in the yard as much as I can. I did have to go back to work part time to help us out. That's been tough as now I am very limited with the work I can do at home.
To stay at work even part time, I have to be careful, as the doc says I have to know my limits. I work three days a week, go to bed when I get home, take lots of meds and rest for at least three full days of the four that I have off. It's not fun, but it is getting us by.
The yard is starting to shape up nicely. We've planted violas, dianthus, Inca lilies, spider lily, azaleas, irises and some grass plugs to fill in the areas that are showing the years of neglect the most. The main attraction in the front yard is a twenty foot dogwood that nearly fills the front yard. It was gorgeous just a few weeks ago wearing it's coat of white fragrant flowers. Now it is covered with new, bright green leaves and the yard is carpeted with dying blossoms. Spring just doesn't last long enough.
The back yard is adorned with a giant live oak. The branches sweep down trying to touch the ground and under this beauty, we have a nice shade garden. There is Aztec grass, a white iris, bugle weed, marigold, a pink-flowered bulb that I can't remember the name of and beautiful red-leafed dwarf canna lilies. I also threw in some caladium bulbs. Not everything is up yet, but it will be soon. Under the tree is a concrete carved bench that my daughters bought me for Mother's Day several years ago and next to it is a beautiful hydrangea in a lovely shade of violet-blue. It is called Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mathilda Gutges'. It is so pretty, I hope it does well planted where it is.
The raised bed garden is so pretty with Romaine lettuce, squash, peppers, strawberries and various herbs. Everything cooked with the fresh herbs tastes so much better, marinara sauce comes alive with fresh basil and oregano. There is spearmint for tea and the occasional Mojito too!
We're trying to plan a short trip in our tent in the coming weeks. We will be taking along a portable air conditioning unit. I'll let you know how that works out. Until next time...Peace to you!
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