Sunday, September 19, 2021

I’m back again!

 Somehow, it got to be 2021! I’ve been writing but obviously not here! I was working on another blog with my daughter and son-in-law, Across America in 36 Feet ( Which reminds me, I need to work there as well as here! 

Life keeps interrupting my dedication to writing. Sometimes in sad ways, but mostly in good ways. My hubby retired in 2017. We signed up for Obamacare, sold our house and hit the road in a 36 foot diesel pusher. That explains the other blog name! Our daughter and son-in-law also decided to retire and join us in their own 36 foot diesel pusher! You can read more about our adventures there.

My mom was doing well when we got on the road. Cancer stayed away for over five years. She got sick again in 2019 and passed in 2020. We were in Colorado, but my daughter and I made the trip home to be with her twice. We stayed for a month the first time and spent Christmas and New Years with her. While we were on the way back to visit her a few months later, she went into hospice care. We brought her home and expected to have at least several more months to be with her, but she declined very rapidly and we only had six more weeks with her. I think she was tired and gave up when she knew we were with her. 

It’s hard when both your parents are no longer here. I miss their guidance and counsel. I have no one left from my immediate family since my brother passed when he was only 22. I am, however, very blessed to have my wonderful daughters and husband. I have much to be thankful for and remind myself of that every day. 

We’ve had a wonderful four years in our coach. We work camp so that we can afford to travel, but we’ve stayed in awesome places and have made some wonderful friends! I wouldn’t trade the experiences that we’ve had for anything!

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