Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New Book Coming!

I just ordered a new book on my Amazon Prime account! I tried out Amazon Prime this year never expecting to use it or even like it, but I've been pleasantly surprised! I love it. Besides the movies and television shows that can be streamed for free or for a small fee, there are books available in kindle sharing and the very best part is the free, two-day shipping! I find so many good deals on Amazon and now I get free shipping with hardly any waiting!

Back to what I started writing about, I didn't intend for this to be an Amazon add, but I really do like Prime. Anyway, the book I ordered is called From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race. It is a topic I've been interested in for quite a few years. It arrives tomorrow and I'll share my views on it as I read it. Please come back for more on this fascinating sounding book!

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