Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another New Book

I just found a new book when I was on one of my frequent trips to Barnes and Noble. Did I mention that I love book stores and libraries? There is just something about the smell of books, old and new. They feel comfortable, comforting, something; fellow bookies will agree!

Don't get me wrong, I love my kindle, when I'm traveling, it's great. I have an entire library in one book-sized object. But when it's rainy or cold or both, a blanket and a real book are just the thing to create that warm, cozy feeling.

Okay, back to my bookstore trip, I found a book by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason, The Rule of Four I found it because I was actually interested in Ian Caldwell's newest book, The Fifth Gospel; which, as it happened was out of stock.

I started reading it late last night. It's well written, but at 3 am, I had to give in to drooping eyelids. I'm not finished with it and have refrained from reading more today. I like to savor a good book, sort of like a glass of fine wine!

I haven't forgotten the The Book of Jubilees , I was just in the mood for something a little lighter. I will get back to it, I promise!

If you loved, The Da Vinci Code , pick this one up. You will love it too. It's about friends solving the mysteries of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili . So far it's fun, intriguing with a bit of mystery. I can't wait to finish it, or I can. It's that good, that I want it to last.

I ordered The Fifth Gospel and 12.21 , Dustin Thomason's other book today from Amazon. Thanks to Amazon Prime , they will be here on Friday. Well, back to my book, a glass of wine and a quiet evening. Good Night!

P.S...I didn't know what the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili  was, so I googled it. It woke up a few brain cells in the memory department and I do remember learning something about it somewhere in some classroom, but if you need a refresher as I did, feel free to jump to more info here...Hypnerotomachia Poliphili

Monday, August 24, 2015


I'm stuck. I'm at an age where change is going to happen. My husband is nearing retirement. You think you've worked all these years and now you can enjoy the fruits of your labors. You have a little more than when you struggled as a young couple. The kids are grown. But then you figure out how much health insurance is going to cost and your hopes of traveling and retiring on time seem to be dashed on the rocks. It's ridiculous that men and women have to work beyond their retirement age to pay for health insurance.

We look at the real price of doctor visits and prescriptions, not to mention the tests that are bound to come up eventually, and it's damn scary. One can't live without health insurance, not very well anyway. The doctors and hospitals treat you with little respect when there is no insurance to back up the payment for their services. I understand that, but come on, we shouldn't have to work for our entire lives. Wasn't Social Security and that Retirement plan supposed to be enough to cover these costs? We were told so when we invested a large chunk of our paychecks into them over the years.

I've watched my father die, my husband's mother die, my mother is aging and having senior issues. I know that my time is limited, not only until death, but just feeling good enough to go do some of the things that are on my bucket list.

I love spending time with my husband. I want us to have years together, years that I don't have to share him with a job and raising a family. This is our time. I want all of it. So what do we do? I'm not afraid to have less material possessions. I don't need a fancy car or clothes, but I do need for our medical situations to be taken care of. Well, we're researching and thinking. We've got three years until he can retire. I plan to find some solution that will allow that to happen and so does he. It may be something crazy. Whatever it is, I'll share my findings here. If you have any thoughts of your own, dear reader, or suggestions, I would love to hear them!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Book Review, a work in progress.

I've been diligently reading my new book, From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race. It is well written and interesting. I cannot say that I agree with some of the author's suppositions, but I find his ideas intriguing. If he offered more support for his hypotheses instead of just stating them and expecting his readers to agree, his points would be more valid. To be fair, I have not completed the book and he may well offer more support as I progress through the book. I will continue to read and take notes. For now, this book has spawned much interest in the
The Book of Jubilees.

I've been reading through The Book of Jubilees as translated by Dr. A. Nyland. I find her explanation of language and how words have been misunderstood in the past as they were translated from Hebrew and Greek into English. I would like to put together a genealogy from the book to help understand how people are related.

I love her explanation of the word Adam and how the word translates as human. God created humans in His image, not just one man named Adam. Later in Genesis, there is a man named Adam with a wife named Eve, but humans did not all come from two people.  That makes so much more sense, genetically speaking anyway.

I will post more when I have more progress. It may be slow going as I wind my way through each book to compare what I find with the Bible and with the work of Andrew Collins. This topic has always held much fascination for me and I am grateful to Andrew Collins if I get no more from his book other than helping me find these new translations of The Book of Jubilees, Book of Jasher and Book of Enoch 1, 2, and 3.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Book Arrived!

I just received From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race. Studying the paranormal has always been a passion. Nephilim have been a major part of my research for the last ten years. I was happy to find this book to see another's view on the fallen angels and the nephilim.

Of course, I started reading it immediately; which, prompted the purchase of three other books that I have been wanting for awhile. So I ordered those too. I ordered Ancient Book Of Jasher , Complete Books of Enoch: 1 Enoch (First Book of Enoch), 2 Enoch (Secrets of Enoch), 3 Enoch (Hebrew Book of Enoch) , and The Book of Jubilees.

I plan to review all of these in coming posts. I can tell you this...fascinating reading, if a bit scary!


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New Book Coming!

I just ordered a new book on my Amazon Prime account! I tried out Amazon Prime this year never expecting to use it or even like it, but I've been pleasantly surprised! I love it. Besides the movies and television shows that can be streamed for free or for a small fee, there are books available in kindle sharing and the very best part is the free, two-day shipping! I find so many good deals on Amazon and now I get free shipping with hardly any waiting!

Back to what I started writing about, I didn't intend for this to be an Amazon add, but I really do like Prime. Anyway, the book I ordered is called From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race. It is a topic I've been interested in for quite a few years. It arrives tomorrow and I'll share my views on it as I read it. Please come back for more on this fascinating sounding book!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Good Day

Today was a very good day. The weather was perfect, the sky a little cloudy, but my husband was home and we had a wonderful day together. I love talking to my husband. We went to visit my mom for a bit, then we went to the kitchen store. Believe it or not, it is one of my husband's favorite places to go. They have every gadget imaginable for cooking, cutting, grilling, even the world's best Garlic Mincer, the Garlic Twist by Nex Trend.

Today we bought a bottle for peanut oil. We buy oil in bulk, it's much cheaper, but the bottle is so large that it is cumbersome. This bottle is perfect, it has a "professional" pouring spout and it's cute! So cute, in fact, that we bought a slightly smaller version to put our red wine vinegar in! I'd like one for all my flavored vinegars, but then the counter top would be full of bottles. I have malt vinegar, white wine vinegar, rice wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar and of course distilled white and apple cider. We do like to cook and most of the time we cook together.

After the kitchen store, we went to a nice, light lunch at PDQ, then onto Hobby Lobby, my favorite store, and I picked up a couple of things to finish a project that will be for sale soon on my Etsy shop, Necessarily Creative. If you like roosters, you might want to take a look.  

 On the way home, we picked up a milkshake for a special treat, chocolate covered strawberry for hubby and M & M for me! So good because we don't get them often!

I wish today didn't have to end. I can't believe how much we still love spending time together. I guess it sounds sappy, but since our very first date, I haven't wanted to be away from him. Thirty three years has gone by so quickly. I'm thankful for every moment we have shared and look forward to many more.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Rant

I've been told I'm like an ostrich, sticking my head in the sand. And maybe I am. I choose to live off the grid as much as possible. I don't live in the sticks or on top of a mountain and I'm not afraid of people.

What I am tired of is the news. Every time the television is turned on or an email pops into my Yahoo mail account it is bad news. Facebook has become less of a social networking tool and more of a harbinger of bad news, sick news, and advertising.

My account is constantly bombarded with religious news, political news, gay news, celebrity news, all garbage I don't want to see. It's mental overload of massive proportions. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I choose to turn off the news. I pick and choose what I hear, what I take in and what I allow to effect my day to day existence.

I try to stay informed, but not over-informed. There are so many things that I can do nothing about, but I have so many people telling me to sign this petition, that petition, don't think this way, think that way. If I don't agree with all the "junk" fed to me by the media, then I might be a racist, or a sexist or some other kind of something that ends with "ist".

I don't want to be hypocritical. I love the internet. I love keeping in touch with people that might have faded into the background long ago, but now are right there all the time on Facebook, or Twitter or LinkedIn or any other number of 21st century "social" meeting places. But I liked it a lot better before it became so commercial, so politically correct, so agendized! (No I did not make this word up, thought I might have, but it is an actual word!)

I cut off the cable, the satellite dish. Now I stream what I choose to watch, commercial-free! I don't listen to Fox News, CNN or any other garbage. I have an opinion and I don't particularly care about everyone else's. Don't feed me with a spoon and don't expect to change my mind. Call me what you will, frankly, I don't give damn.

I vote, I rant, I wish and I do what I can when I feel it is important and may actually have an effect on the situation. I won't be walked over, I won't give up any more rights than have already been snatched by our government. I will not give up my guns, my freedom of speech, my freedom of religion. I won't stop believing in God. I would love to see Obama run out of the U.S. He's made a mockery of our values and our people. He's not the first, but he's the worst.

I think it is deplorable the media is used to pare down the values that made this country great. Morals and respect are not out-dated ideas, they are necessary for a society to remain strong and functioning. Television shows that detail new and egregious ways to commit crimes serve to feed ideas to individuals that may not be completely sane, but weren't so creative as the television writers. Some of the crime shows are appalling in the details they provide for serial murders and torture techniques.

The shows constantly stretch our moral limits and ask us to accept appalling values as the "new", normal way to live. If you look back at old television shows, the "clean" ones from the 1940s and 1950s, it was apparent even then that our value system was being tested and prodded into new areas of acceptance.

It's not just the media or television writers. When I was in college, I had professors that pounded their beliefs into the pliable minds of their students and I watched in amazement as fellow students accepted some ridiculous things as the correct way to think.  I've seen it in a church or two that I've attended also.  And like puppets or children after the pied-piper, people just follow right along, not strong enough, mentally, to think for themselves.

There is so much that is so far out of whack, if you will, that I don't see a way to correct it. Which is why I choose not to listen or watch. It makes me question my religious beliefs. It makes me ask, "Where is God, that He would allow so much to go so far away from His teachings? Has He forsaken us? Has He forgotten us? Or have we forgotten and forsaken Him so terribly that we have shut Him out of this world? What is going to happen when He decides to make us accountable for our disregard of His commandments? It scares me. It really does. I'm not a religious fanatic, but I do believe in a Supreme Being that created us and this universe we reside in and I don't think we are very good custodians of all that He has given us.

We have too much, too many things, we are filled with desire for our own satisfaction and will have it no matter what the cost to ourselves or to those around us. We are too willing to debase ourselves for material things and "feeling good". We are spoiled.

I don't know the answer, but the solution won't be easy or painless. I am afraid for all of us. God is merciful, gracious and loving, but He is also vengeful. Like bad children waiting on strict parents to arrive home, we better clean up our mess and start behaving or there will be a price to pay.