Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm back

It's been just over a year since I last posted. A long, hard terrible year. My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer on his birthday, November 17, 2011. My dad passed away on January 17, 2013. I miss him. I know we all lose people in our lives, but it doesn't make it hurt any less when the hurt is yours to bear.

I'm thankful for the time we had, but I will always wish there could be more. It helps to be able to say goodbye to someone I guess, but it is terrible watching them suffer. My brother died unexpectedly many years ago and that was an awful shock. It took many years to come to terms with his loss. I'm older now, so I don't know if it is the knowing or my age that has made this loss different. I can't say easier, because it is by no means easy.

I watched a video the other day, an interview with a lovely lady. I have placed a link here if you'd care to watch it: Interview with Anita Moorjani .  What this lady experienced encompasses many beliefs that I hold regarding our lives after death. I have spent many hours studying trying to understand our purpose on this earth and what life is like after death. The death of my brother prompted this search.

I have always believed in God, believed in an existence beyond death, but when death hits so near to your heart and takes away the loved ones you hold dear, it can make you want a more definite answer than the ones given in church. At least that's what it did to me.

I've had many experiences in my life that others may not understand. On the day my father died, the preacher was there to be with my dad in his final moments and to comfort us also. I tried to discuss my life experiences with him when he sat down to talk to me on that awful day, but he seemed unable to comprehend my very real experiences because they didn't fit in with the words he was spouting that came from his religious teachings and dogma. He actually got up and walked away in the middle of our conversation.

This same man, although; devout in his beliefs about his God, preached at my father's funeral. He said that my dad was waiting for that glorious day when he would receive a new body. I was mortified and angered by this ignorant speech at such a devastating time. My father's remains were cremated ashes in a marble urn. I can in no way believe that my father's spirit is sitting in that urn or in some form of limbo waiting for a glorious day to receive a new body. That is a ludicrous belief.

When Jesus was dying on the cross, He told the other crucified man, a thief, that if he expressed repentance for being a thief that Jesus would prepare a place for him. He did not tell him that one day somewhere in time, this man would receive a new body. He told him that He was going then, at that moment, to prepare a place for him. Jesus knew that He would die on that cross before the thief would die. The cross was not usually the end in crucifixions. The survivor was taken down after much suffering and put to death by having both legs broken. The shock to the already weakened body is what caused death to crucifixion victims.

What I loved about the Anita Moorjani interview is the peace she received from her experience and of course she was completely healed. I have read other accounts of near-death experiences akin to the one in Ms. Moorjani's book, Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing. The similarities in these accounts are remarkable and not determined or defined by one's religious beliefs. God didn't invent religion, man did. I think it might be time that we walked away from religion, ritual and dogma and started looking for the real evidence that surrounds us daily that shows us there is a God, a wonderful being of love and light and peace. This is my God. This God is who gets me through each and every day, each and every heartache and helps open my eyes to the beauty that is all around us.

Peace! It won't be a year before I write again. I've missed sharing with you!


Lindahun said...

Thank you Tammie for sharing. I too believe as you.


Lindahun said...

Thanks for sharing Tammie. I too believe as you.

Enjoyed your blog.

Linda H