Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Frightening Path

When we're born into this life, it doesn't take us long to know that the only way to our next life, a life not on this plane of existence, is death. Still we go through each day and push it from our mind because we believe that it isn't going to happen to us.

I remember being a young child and lying in bed at night, my best thoughts always come in the silence of a darkened room or from the remnants of a dream. But on this night I was thinking about my parents and how much I relied on them, loved them and how much they loved me. Then I started thinking about one day they wouldn't be here. I cried and pushed that from my mind too.

About three weeks ago, we learned very unexpectedly that my dad has stage 4 lung cancer. I can only guess how this made him feel, his dad died from cancer. It hit me like a wrecking ball right in the gut. I literally couldn't breathe and I continue to cry nearly every day. I cry not just because I may lose him through this, but I cry for the pain, anguish and illness he will have to endure on this road with no alternate routes.

We're scared, he's scared and there is nothing so terrible as looking into the eyes of the man that has always been there for you to heal your hurts, ease your pain and being able to do nothing to ease his. I hate the helplessness that life makes us face so many times and in so many ways. It brings us to our knees and while on mine, I've been praying loudly and fervently for God to bring my dad peace and comfort, ease his fears, heal is body.

The statistics for this illness are dreadful, but my dad is one in million and I'm hoping, no praying that with everything we have and through God that he beats the statistics. I know there is life beyond this earthly plane, I already have a brother waiting for us there. But, I'm selfish and I want my dad with me as long as he can be and so does he. One never wants to lose a parent and dad's are special to almost every little girl or big girl.

The next months won't be easy ones, but I'll check in as often as I can. Til next time....
Peace and Good Wishes

                                                                           My Dad!

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