Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Every moment of life is a choice. We choose to be happy or sad. We choose to be nice or not so nice (I hate to say nasty, because there are shades of every thing).

I tend to be a loner, but I know that I also enjoy friends. It's nice to see a friendly face following a knock on the door or to hear a friendly voice on the other end of the phone line. I enjoy chatting online with people that I've never met and I still consider them my friends.

I don't tend to keep friends for long periods of time. Maybe it's me. I'd rather move around the next bend in the road than stay still so that may reflect in my relationships too.

My husband and I have been together 28 years so thankfully this isn't true about all of my relationships. I feel that every life that has touched mine has enriched my life in some way. Even the negative experiences have taught me something.

I try to let the negative things in life go and to find the positive aspect of even the most terrible parts of life. I've had my share of negative life experiences and I've spent my time at the bottom of the emotional garbage pile. However, it is our choice whether to stay there or to climb back to the top.

In all of the worst parts of life, my belief in God has been the ultimate thing that has helped me to make better choices. When I put my faith in Him and not in others or material possessions, I am a stronger person and better able to make good choices.

It is a mistake to blame sadness, hatred, and bitterness on someone else. The choice to keep the negativity  or to let it go isn't easy, but try to replace it with something positive, which does becomes easier the more it is practiced.

Until next time, enjoy life one day, one moment at a time and smile!

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