Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another New Book

I just found a new book when I was on one of my frequent trips to Barnes and Noble. Did I mention that I love book stores and libraries? There is just something about the smell of books, old and new. They feel comfortable, comforting, something; fellow bookies will agree!

Don't get me wrong, I love my kindle, when I'm traveling, it's great. I have an entire library in one book-sized object. But when it's rainy or cold or both, a blanket and a real book are just the thing to create that warm, cozy feeling.

Okay, back to my bookstore trip, I found a book by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason, The Rule of Four I found it because I was actually interested in Ian Caldwell's newest book, The Fifth Gospel; which, as it happened was out of stock.

I started reading it late last night. It's well written, but at 3 am, I had to give in to drooping eyelids. I'm not finished with it and have refrained from reading more today. I like to savor a good book, sort of like a glass of fine wine!

I haven't forgotten the The Book of Jubilees , I was just in the mood for something a little lighter. I will get back to it, I promise!

If you loved, The Da Vinci Code , pick this one up. You will love it too. It's about friends solving the mysteries of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili . So far it's fun, intriguing with a bit of mystery. I can't wait to finish it, or I can. It's that good, that I want it to last.

I ordered The Fifth Gospel and 12.21 , Dustin Thomason's other book today from Amazon. Thanks to Amazon Prime , they will be here on Friday. Well, back to my book, a glass of wine and a quiet evening. Good Night!

P.S...I didn't know what the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili  was, so I googled it. It woke up a few brain cells in the memory department and I do remember learning something about it somewhere in some classroom, but if you need a refresher as I did, feel free to jump to more info here...Hypnerotomachia Poliphili

Monday, August 24, 2015


I'm stuck. I'm at an age where change is going to happen. My husband is nearing retirement. You think you've worked all these years and now you can enjoy the fruits of your labors. You have a little more than when you struggled as a young couple. The kids are grown. But then you figure out how much health insurance is going to cost and your hopes of traveling and retiring on time seem to be dashed on the rocks. It's ridiculous that men and women have to work beyond their retirement age to pay for health insurance.

We look at the real price of doctor visits and prescriptions, not to mention the tests that are bound to come up eventually, and it's damn scary. One can't live without health insurance, not very well anyway. The doctors and hospitals treat you with little respect when there is no insurance to back up the payment for their services. I understand that, but come on, we shouldn't have to work for our entire lives. Wasn't Social Security and that Retirement plan supposed to be enough to cover these costs? We were told so when we invested a large chunk of our paychecks into them over the years.

I've watched my father die, my husband's mother die, my mother is aging and having senior issues. I know that my time is limited, not only until death, but just feeling good enough to go do some of the things that are on my bucket list.

I love spending time with my husband. I want us to have years together, years that I don't have to share him with a job and raising a family. This is our time. I want all of it. So what do we do? I'm not afraid to have less material possessions. I don't need a fancy car or clothes, but I do need for our medical situations to be taken care of. Well, we're researching and thinking. We've got three years until he can retire. I plan to find some solution that will allow that to happen and so does he. It may be something crazy. Whatever it is, I'll share my findings here. If you have any thoughts of your own, dear reader, or suggestions, I would love to hear them!