Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Rant

I've been told I'm like an ostrich, sticking my head in the sand. And maybe I am. I choose to live off the grid as much as possible. I don't live in the sticks or on top of a mountain and I'm not afraid of people.

What I am tired of is the news. Every time the television is turned on or an email pops into my Yahoo mail account it is bad news. Facebook has become less of a social networking tool and more of a harbinger of bad news, sick news, and advertising.

My account is constantly bombarded with religious news, political news, gay news, celebrity news, all garbage I don't want to see. It's mental overload of massive proportions. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but I choose to turn off the news. I pick and choose what I hear, what I take in and what I allow to effect my day to day existence.

I try to stay informed, but not over-informed. There are so many things that I can do nothing about, but I have so many people telling me to sign this petition, that petition, don't think this way, think that way. If I don't agree with all the "junk" fed to me by the media, then I might be a racist, or a sexist or some other kind of something that ends with "ist".

I don't want to be hypocritical. I love the internet. I love keeping in touch with people that might have faded into the background long ago, but now are right there all the time on Facebook, or Twitter or LinkedIn or any other number of 21st century "social" meeting places. But I liked it a lot better before it became so commercial, so politically correct, so agendized! (No I did not make this word up, thought I might have, but it is an actual word!)

I cut off the cable, the satellite dish. Now I stream what I choose to watch, commercial-free! I don't listen to Fox News, CNN or any other garbage. I have an opinion and I don't particularly care about everyone else's. Don't feed me with a spoon and don't expect to change my mind. Call me what you will, frankly, I don't give damn.

I vote, I rant, I wish and I do what I can when I feel it is important and may actually have an effect on the situation. I won't be walked over, I won't give up any more rights than have already been snatched by our government. I will not give up my guns, my freedom of speech, my freedom of religion. I won't stop believing in God. I would love to see Obama run out of the U.S. He's made a mockery of our values and our people. He's not the first, but he's the worst.

I think it is deplorable the media is used to pare down the values that made this country great. Morals and respect are not out-dated ideas, they are necessary for a society to remain strong and functioning. Television shows that detail new and egregious ways to commit crimes serve to feed ideas to individuals that may not be completely sane, but weren't so creative as the television writers. Some of the crime shows are appalling in the details they provide for serial murders and torture techniques.

The shows constantly stretch our moral limits and ask us to accept appalling values as the "new", normal way to live. If you look back at old television shows, the "clean" ones from the 1940s and 1950s, it was apparent even then that our value system was being tested and prodded into new areas of acceptance.

It's not just the media or television writers. When I was in college, I had professors that pounded their beliefs into the pliable minds of their students and I watched in amazement as fellow students accepted some ridiculous things as the correct way to think.  I've seen it in a church or two that I've attended also.  And like puppets or children after the pied-piper, people just follow right along, not strong enough, mentally, to think for themselves.

There is so much that is so far out of whack, if you will, that I don't see a way to correct it. Which is why I choose not to listen or watch. It makes me question my religious beliefs. It makes me ask, "Where is God, that He would allow so much to go so far away from His teachings? Has He forsaken us? Has He forgotten us? Or have we forgotten and forsaken Him so terribly that we have shut Him out of this world? What is going to happen when He decides to make us accountable for our disregard of His commandments? It scares me. It really does. I'm not a religious fanatic, but I do believe in a Supreme Being that created us and this universe we reside in and I don't think we are very good custodians of all that He has given us.

We have too much, too many things, we are filled with desire for our own satisfaction and will have it no matter what the cost to ourselves or to those around us. We are too willing to debase ourselves for material things and "feeling good". We are spoiled.

I don't know the answer, but the solution won't be easy or painless. I am afraid for all of us. God is merciful, gracious and loving, but He is also vengeful. Like bad children waiting on strict parents to arrive home, we better clean up our mess and start behaving or there will be a price to pay.