There are some changes ahead for us Peaceful Highway travelers. We've decided to buy a house, just a small one with a normal yard. I think the main reason we have made this decision is because we moved into this lifestyle too early. I have health issues that make it impossible for me to work outside the home so I'm here all day by myself.
The by myself is not a problem, but there is only so much time I can spend writing, taking pictures and cleaning. I am a busy person. My illness is such that I have to do many things for short periods of time. I cannot do anything repetitively. My brain works about the same way, so it isn't as bad as it might sound. I get bored with anything very quickly.
I like to tinker in the garden, tinker in the kitchen, take care of plants, pets, and my dh, of course. I can't find enough tinkering things in this small space and neither can my dh when he is home from work. If we were already retired and traveling this wouldn't be such an issue.
The other problem is that we are not wealthy so sinking major bucks into a larger rig seems foolish. We have to plan for the day when we will no longer be able to travel and neither one of us want to be a burden on our children.
So the highway will still be peaceful and we will still be traveling. I'll be sharing some tips for plant care, baking, etc. I hope you keep on following along...
Till next time,
Peace to you,